Code Of Ethics
PFI has established codes of ethics to guide the actions of staff and board members, the treatment of those receiving services, its business and financial practices, and its marketing efforts.
Exercising respect for others as well as being trustworthy at all times are the core values underlying PFI’s Code of Ethics. Each new staff and board member will be required to review and sign the pertinent code, indicating acceptance of that code. Any staff member who violates one of PFI’s codes of ethics may face corrective action. Board action may be taken with any board member who violates the Parents & Friends, Inc., Code of Ethics.
The following values and principles were drafted during a community forum in 1998 that included a broad spectrum of PFI stakeholders, including clients, families, staff, board, and community members. This list serves as a preliminary set of principles guiding services and programs.
I will do my best to see that Parents & Friends Inc. meets the needs of the persons receiving services.
I will respect the value and dignity of all individuals, and I will not subject any one receiving service or other staff member to embarrassment or disparagement.
I will do my best to create and maintain a climate of loyalty, trust, and mutual respect.
I will recognize the efforts of persons receiving services as well as the efforts of other staff members and support a work atmosphere in which the work of each individual is respected as important, doing for and to others as I would have done for and to me in similar circumstances.
I will support a work atmosphere that is open and non-secretive while being mindful of the need for confidentiality and shall keep in confidence that which has been obtained in the course of professional service, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law.
I will support the decisions of management. I may state my position, but ultimately staff members must follow management’s final decision.
I will refrain from doing anything that might bring discredit to PFI.
I will uphold all applicable laws and regulations, going beyond the letter of the law to protect and/or to enhance Parents & Friends’ ability to meet its mission.
I will be a responsible steward of PFI’s resources.
I will strive for personal and professional growth to improve my effectiveness.
I will provide professional services in a non-discriminatory manner and in consonance with accepted best practices known to PFI.
Exercising respect for others as well as being trustworthy at all times are the core values underlying PFI’s Code of Ethics. Each new staff and board member will be required to review and sign the pertinent code, indicating acceptance of that code. Any staff member who violates one of PFI’s codes of ethics may face corrective action. Board action may be taken with any board member who violates the Parents & Friends, Inc., Code of Ethics.
The following values and principles were drafted during a community forum in 1998 that included a broad spectrum of PFI stakeholders, including clients, families, staff, board, and community members. This list serves as a preliminary set of principles guiding services and programs.
I will do my best to see that Parents & Friends Inc. meets the needs of the persons receiving services.
I will respect the value and dignity of all individuals, and I will not subject any one receiving service or other staff member to embarrassment or disparagement.
I will do my best to create and maintain a climate of loyalty, trust, and mutual respect.
I will recognize the efforts of persons receiving services as well as the efforts of other staff members and support a work atmosphere in which the work of each individual is respected as important, doing for and to others as I would have done for and to me in similar circumstances.
I will support a work atmosphere that is open and non-secretive while being mindful of the need for confidentiality and shall keep in confidence that which has been obtained in the course of professional service, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law.
I will support the decisions of management. I may state my position, but ultimately staff members must follow management’s final decision.
I will refrain from doing anything that might bring discredit to PFI.
I will uphold all applicable laws and regulations, going beyond the letter of the law to protect and/or to enhance Parents & Friends’ ability to meet its mission.
I will be a responsible steward of PFI’s resources.
I will strive for personal and professional growth to improve my effectiveness.
I will provide professional services in a non-discriminatory manner and in consonance with accepted best practices known to PFI.