COVID Updates
Parents and Friends, Inc. would like to keep our stakeholders informed of the steps we are taking to ensure that our clients and staff remain safe throughout the COVID pandemic period. This page will contain current status updates, so feel free to bookmark this page to stay current.
July 1, 2021 COVID Update from Parents and Friends:
PFI has taken the following actions in response to the Governor and Public Health declarations, orders, and recommendations:
- The RCFE is open. A waiver has been obtained from licensing to support residents with reduced staffing ratios in case there is a need to operate with reduced staff.
- SLS is open and supporting people in their homes and in the community.
- The Job Connection is open to support clients who are reporting to work or exploring the possibility of employment.
- The LIFE program and The Community Connection program have each reopened as of June 2020 for those program participants who have chosen to return to the traditional program operating in small groups or cohorts. These programs, along with The Places To Go program, have implemented the use of Alternative Services to facilitate broader methods of participation in ways that are meaningful to each individual program participant based on a person’s needs and preferences
- The Paul Bunyan Thrift Store is open for business 7 days a week.
- The PFI Administrative Offices are open.