Your support is appreciated and your donations are tax deductible.
Donate FundsDonate money by clicking the icon below to pay by credit card online. You can also submit a donation by mail. Please make checks payable to Parents and Friends and mail your donation to P.O. Box 656 Fort Bragg, CA 95437. All donation are tax deductible and are used for operating support of our programs and services. Contact Kristy Tanguay at 707-357-4927 with any questions regarding donations.
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Donate Your Used ItemsDonate your items to Parents and Friends! The Paul Bunyan Thrift Store & Furniture Annex is open 7 days a week. Clothing and household items can be dropped off at the Shop Tuesday-Sunday from 10am - 3 pm. Do you have a couch, table or other large furniture item that you don't use anymore? To inquire about a pick up of your items, contact the Shop at (707) 964-4471. Donated items not only help support PFI financially, it also helps provide work experience for the people we support. Your donation is tax deductible, and we are happy to provide a receipt at the time of your donation.
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